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The all important 'health check'

Already have a team in place but resources are limited? An audit provides a full, comprehensive analysis on the different components that make up your email and CRM marketing. I've helped many brands identify missed opportunities and provided detailed recommendations on next steps. I cover a wide range of verticals when creating your audit which is tailored to you!

  • Email marketing review and strategy development

  • Lifecycle and automated programmes

  • Subscriber acquisition strategy

  • SERP pages and landing page review

  • BAU newsletter review

  • Data review & processes

  • Split testing and development


Strategy Planning

Setting the scene and taking action!

Strategy planning can be daunting, but it is vital to set the scene and layout the plan before charging ahead. Whether you want to plan for maximising conversions, building your database, or just rolling out a series of new automations, I can help make those plans a reality. I’ve worked across many platforms as well as brands, so I know a thing or two when it comes to building an air-tight strategy.  

A strategy plan from me will include a detailed roadmap of the opportunities ordered from low-high effort, so you can pinpoint the areas that will require more input from your team.

Services: About
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In-House Support

A member of your team

This set up is a win-win if I do say so myself. You receive the best of both worlds, having in-house support as and when you need it, without paying a yearly salary. I can be on hand to help with strategy planning sessions, consult on best practices or be the voice of reason when you’re about to launch a new campaign. The in-house support usually goes hand in hand with the audit and strategy. I can help push some of the outlined initiatives forward, especially when capacity within the team is low.

Get in touch today to set up a meeting and find out more about how I can help you on a short and long term basis.

Services: About
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